Saturday, February 28, 2015

        The very idea of applying for a scholarship can be intimidating, but following these instructions will make the job much easier.

1) The first step is to fill out a STARS online scholarship application. Click on the link below to access the application.

2) At the bottom of the Login section is a sign up button. Click on that button to complete the application.

WARNING: If at any time you must leave your application without completing, be sure to click on the save and exit button so that your information is not lost.

3) After completing page one of the application, click on the save and continue button at the bottom, right-hand side of the page. 

4) The scholarship wizard will guide you through the questionnaire. Be sure to click on save and continue after each section.

5) When you reach the page entitled Scholarship Application - Free Form Essay, you will be expected to answer each question in an essay format. It is recommended that you type the answer in a word document and then copy and paste into the application, because the page could time-out if you try to answer online.

6) To access the questions, click on the answer button. After copying and pasting your answer, click on the save button.

7) When you reach the bottom of the page, click on save and continue.

8) Based on your answers, the wizard will offer suggestions which are best-suited to your needs. Beside each option will be an apply now button. Click on this button to access each scholarship.

9) Each of these scholarship buttons open a new page on which you will confirm your eligibility for that particular scholarship. After completing each form, click on the apply now button. 

It is always a good idea to apply for as many scholarships as you are qualified for, in case the one you are depending on does not come through!



IRSC Foundation - Foundation Scholarships. (2015, January 1). Retrieved March 5, 2015, from